Have you ever known any information about Sapa Vietnam and customary here yet? Hanoi – Sapa trip will help you answer all the questions and inquiries about Sapa where is the most region gentle and peaceful in Vietnam. Come to Sapa, you will feel the life rhythm more slowed, the beat as breathing of natural. Soaking up the lives of indigenous people, learn their daily life brings a endless interesting sense. Besides, sightseeing landscape with the vast rice terraces in Lao cao or walk around old quarter make you feel great. From here, all your fatigue will disappear and you will have a wonderful vacation in Sapa Vietnam. Moreover, Sapa is called one of the best heaven of Vietnam. Coming here, you can feel a fantastic atmosphere of fog around you. You will be deep inside in the thick fog in the evening or in the early morning. So Let Travel Sense Asia take you this trip Hanoi & Sapa 5days and keep all your wonderful emotions in Vietnam.